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      Case Expiration Date, or Case Endings in Bilingual Life

      Case endings are hard to memorize, tricky to use and often used unexpectedly in a bilingual’s speech! How do we get our undoubtedly gifted and hard-working children to enter this amazing, multifaceted world of case endings, inflections and verb forms easily and light-heartedly? What’s the first step and what’s to follow?

      When developing academic programs, Metaphor Academic Center always takes into account numerous psychological researches that prove fundamental differences in the ways adults and children receive and process information. Children perceive information instantly but, unfortunately, they forget it easily without constant reiteration of covered material. Adults need more time and effort to gain knowledge, but they tend to keep it longer and usually don’t require revision.

      People learn languages in natural communication. Constant practice allows a monolingual child to easily master all the case endings, grammar structures, and vocabulary. Language intuition is much harder to build in a bilingual environment with a lack of speaking opportunities. Stimulating active speaking and creating additional opportunities for language immersion are the crucial sources for language growth and development. Don’t miss out on this most favorable time for language acquisition in your children’s life! Do your very best to develop linguistic feelings and impressions in your bilingual children while they are still little!