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      When the Muse Pays Your Child a Visit…

      Metaphor Academic Center is getting ready for the new school year, making new, amazing plans, developing exciting projects driven by imagination, creative energy and inspiration.

      Curiosity and thirst for knowledge should be encouraged in children starting at the earliest age possible. Creative effort should be noticed and stimulated as soon as a child learns to hold objects in their hands. Metaphor Academic Center carefully considers and creates activities based on multiple factors such as age, individual pace of academic and personal development, aptitudes, and personal preferences.

      Metaphor’s curriculum is filled with activities that are aimed at your children conducting research and mastering all kinds of independent activity skills. Creative work, in any shape or form, allows your child to develop memory, attention span, cognitive skills, intellect, as well as sense of agency and self-esteem, all while playing and having fun. A harmoniously developed child will never feel bored, and the Muse will become their loyal companion for a long time.