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      Math It Up!

      Many children struggle over math regardless of the language of instruction. So how do you get a child to fall in love with math? What if we use the well-known “Three S” rule for teaching our classes? The “Three S” rule stands for Security, Success, and Satisfaction. Children will do whatever and wherever as long as:

      • S1 – they understand the essence of the task;
      • S2 – the process and the result of their work are highly valued by their closest people;
      • S3 – completing the task makes them proud of their achievement.

      Metaphor’s talented teachers plan their lessons based on the best modern teaching techniques. Math becomes understandable, interesting and fascinating, it teaches students the most important skill of reading into a problem, seeing its internal structure, and finding solution algorithms. Children learn to think logically, “I know this and this, and here is something I don’t know. But knowing this much, I can…”

      Fostering this thirst for knowledge and fully enjoying it is something only real professionals can do. This is the only way of ensuring any material, even the most challenging one, is covered and truly mastered.