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      Conquest of Galaxies, or a Safe Flight

      The summer season had a grand opening at Metaphor Academic Center. The kids started their two-week interplanetary journey. Have fun learning, find great adventures and have a soft landing, young travellers!

      Every child wants to become an astronaut at least once in their life. Or nearly every child, that’s no doubt. And no wonder, because everything about space sounds so fascinating — spaceships, the Milky Way, the delicate light of a distant star, mysteries and discoveries, the pleasure of learning. What can be better for children than to imagine they are astronauts going on an interplanetary journey? The journey will be so much fun with friends, but it will be the best with a kind and knowledgeable teacher who will help the kids catch an interplanetary animal and will translate a big-eared Martian’s greeting.

      The other day, my four-year-old daughter put a plastic colander that I usually use for washing grapes on her head and said, “Mommy, I’m going to be an astronaut.”

      “Any ideas about your rocket ship?” I asked carefully.

      “Nope. Still need some time to think it over,” she replied.

      “Right,” I agreed. “Would be nice to know what awaits you in the outer space. What if it’s really cold or really hot there? What kind of planets are out there and what kind of galaxies?..

      “Galaxies?” my daughter asked. “Who is going to tell me about them?”

      And here is where it struck me: quick, sign up for Metaphor summer camp!

      Memorable experience for my child and total safety for our house.