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    Preliminary Registration

      Saturday and Monday Schools

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      Play, learn and grow together!

      Welcome to the Metaphor Saturday and Monday Academic Programs!

      We provide:

      • Academic and extracurricular enrichment activities;
      • Stimulating environment for bilingual improvment and growth;
      • Positive interaction with professional and loving teachers;
      • Academic support and enrichment to complete homework and foster creativity;
      • A friendly environment to boost your child’s positive self-esteem and confidence;
      • Opportunities to develop new hobbies and skills;
      • Recreational activities to improve your child’s focus, movement coordination and physical well-being;
      • Fun and safe place during after school hours.


      • Ages 4 to 17
      • Morning session – three language classes from 9:30 am to 12 pm
      • Afternoon session – three language classes from 1:15 to 3:40 pm
      • Creative Studios from 12:15 to 1:50 pm (optional): Art, Ceramics, Drama, Choir, Chess, Math
      • Reading, Writing and Grammar
      • NEWL/Prototype AP Russian Exam Preparation Course
      • World Languages Exam Preparation Course
      • Russian Literature
      • Math and Logic for all
      • Contests and Competitions, cultural events

      The program offers a variety of academic development and recreational activities. Please choose up to 4 activities per semester.

      Russian Language Instruction. Your children will learn to express themselves better in both conversational and written Russian. Instruction will be tailored to student age as well as current language skill level. Curriculum will include such subjects as Conversational Russian and the Art of Speech, Russian Grammar, Express Yourself in Written Russian, and Russian Literature. Our teaching techniques also target students for whom Russian is their second language.

      AP Russian/World Languages Program – a special Saturday program that not only teaches Russian language, literature and culture, but also prepares high school students for the NEWL/Prototype AP Russian exam and World Languages credit. Read more>>

      History and World Geography classes are provided beginning with the Third Grade level, and will be selected to reinforce and supplement basic language skill instruction. In subsequent grades, history and geography material will be expanded to complement improved Russian language skills.

      Russian Literature Classes. The course includes reading and study of literary works in Russian. Students become familiar with the facts of life of Russian writers and learn to analyze and discuss the literature. Extra program is a visiting of Russian cultural (literature and poetic) events.

      Creative studios:

      Recreation time:

      • Homework help
      • Learning and memory games
      • Library


      A snack is NOT provided for all Saturday Program participants.


      You need to bring your child to the school.

      View Saturday Program schedule here.


      • Elementary school level
      • From 4:00 to 6:00 pm
      • Transportation (upon request)
      • Reading, Writing and Grammar
      • Speech Development
      • Contests and Competitions
      • Afternoon snack is provided

      Academic activities:

      • Russian reading and writing
      • Basic Russian Grammar
      • Russian learning games
      • Creative Math
      • World around us
      • Art of speech

      Creative studios:

      • Art
      • Dance
      • Gymnastics
      • Theater
      • Chess
      • Ceramic Workshop

      Recreation time:

      • Homework help
      • Learning and memory games
      • Library


      A snack is provided for all after school program participants.


      The Metaphor School van picks up students from their school location at each school’s release time. During the trip from the school, children are supervised by the teacher on duty.


      Program activities take place on site at the Metaphor International School. All classrooms, auditoriums and school playgrounds are safe and well secured.


      Our Academic Programs are held by experienced, qualified and caring staff specializing in child development and education.

      License and Insurance

      Metaphor Academic Center is a licensed and insured educational establishment that works in compliance with all the applicable rules and regulations.

      View or download the SY 2024/25 Chart Calendar